Thursday, March 31, 2011

How To Tag Someone In A Picture On Facebook

One of the best features of Facebook is the ability to upload and share photos with your Facebook friends. If you want to include your friends in your next photo album, you will need to know how to tag someone in a picture on Facebook. Anyone who is a member of Facebook can upload photos to their account.

You can create multiple albums of photos and, once you publish them, your pictures will be able to be seen by any and all of your Facebook friends. Another way to share the pictures with your friends is to tag them. Tagging a photo on Facebook takes only a couple minutes and a few clicks of the mouse button. You will be tagging all of your friends in your next Facebook photo album in no time.

Step 1: Why Tag Someone in a Picture on Facebook?

Tagging a photo is a way to attach a picture to one of your friend's Facebook accounts. If you upload a picture that has one of your friends in it or a picture that you want to share with one particular friend, you can tag it. Typically you would tag each person in the photo and input their Facebook account name. Once you have saved the tag the picture will appear on your friend's Facebook page for all of their friends to see. This is a great way to easily attach interesting photos to other people's accounts. It is really useful if you have attended a graduation, a party, or some other event and took a lot of pictures. Now you can upload the pictures, share them with your Facebook friends, and also make sure that those pictures go to and appear on the Facebook pages of all of those people involved.

Step 2: Where to Locate Pictures on Facebook

Before you begin tagging any pictures on Facebook you will need to find the photos section and access the photo that you want to tag. First login to your Facebook account. Next click on Photos on the left-hand side of the screen. This will take you to the photos section of the Facebook website where you can view your own photo albums and those of all of your Facebook friends. Click My Uploads under Photos on the left side. Go into the album which holds the pictures that you want to tag by click on the album's name or cover photo. Now locate the picture that you want to tag and click on it to view it at its full size. This is where you can rotate your photo, share it with friends, and, of course, tag it.1

Step 3: Tag a Picture on Facebook

To tag your photo you will want to click the Tag this Photo link located below the full size picture that you have opened. This will create a header above your photo which tells you to click on the faces of those that you want to tag. As the instructions say, click on the faces in your photo, one at a time. If the person that you want to tag is not actually in the photo you can click on any area of the photo that you want to tag as that person. When you click on the photo to add a tag, a pop-up will appear. Either type in the name of your friend in this pop-up or scroll down your friend list and locate their name. Once you have located them, click the Tag button. This will add the tag to the area of the picture that you selected. You can add more tags in the same way. Once you are done simply click the Done Tagging button on the header above your photo and the tags will be applied. Now those people who you tagged will be linked to the photo and notified that they were tagged. The photo can now be viewed from their profile as well.2

How to Tag Someone in a Picture on Facebook

This video walks you through the process of tagging a friend in a picture on Facebook. Once you have located the picture that you want to tag you can begin tagging by clicking the “Tag this Photo” link. Tag as many friends as you like and publish the changes. Now your picture will be linked to your tagged friend's profile.

How To Tag Someone In A Picture On Facebook Answers

what is tag a photo(1 Answer)
A: Tag a photo is when you tag someone in a pictureyou roll over their face or whatever there doing you can see there name. It pretty much just ...
someone tagged me on one of their pictures on their facebook and that picture appeared in my fb album. How do I get it out of my fb?(1 Answer)
A: When you view the picture, there should be a list directly under the picture of "who's in this picture." Your name will be listed there, and, as ...

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